Perfectly Imperfect Disorganized Mom

I see you, girlfriend. I see the joy, the love, and the excitement that comes with new motherhood. 

I see the diapers, the sleepless nights, the drool-stained shirt, and the endless laundry. I see the overwhelm, the guilt, and the struggle to find order in the midst of it all.

I used to think I was an organized human. 

I have notebooks and planners and sticky notes and files and organizers and storage bins and calendars and magnet boards and chalkboard walls a plenty. 

I crave organization. I need it. 

But, I'm not organized. 

I have 3 junk drawers and a minimum of 5 incomplete baby books, hiding in my attic. 

I hide things so I don’t see them because when I see them I get overwhelmed and I feel guilty about wasting the money and I beat myself up for never following through on anything. 

I hide things so I’m not reminded of my unrealized intentions.

Not the best strategy. I know. 

But I’m learning day by day to accept myself for who I am. I’m no longer comparing myself to other moms who seem to have it all together. And I no longer pretend that I do.

It’s a lot of work, this whole self-compassion and self-exploration thing.  

We're all still learning, especially about ourselves and what makes us uniquely us. 

Motherhood is a wild ride.

It's okay to not have it all together. 

(In fact, it’s quite normal.)

Perfectly imperfect motherhood. 

It’s the only way through.

And if you, like me, are constantly working to find order in the chaos, 

I want you to know this: 

You are doing an incredible job and your baby is smart to have chosen you.


Reclaiming Motherhood


Time is Measured in Minutes, Not Money: The Shared Labor of Parenthood